Friday, May 7, 2010

Feel Pretty Everyday

"The most important relationship is the relationship you have with yourself."

I think it's important to take time to feel pretty, special, and at peace with yourself, everyday. These are a few things that I love to do to help me feel a little bit better, every single day! I think that certain, small actions that you do each day can make a big difference in feeling great and peaceful.

1. Set your phone alarm to say something special when you wake up!

Most phones enable you to write a customizable message when you set the alarm, so when the alarm goes off, it will also display a fun message! For example, my message says, "Wake Up, Beautiful!". Sometimes it makes me smile right away in the morning just because it's a silly concept, but regardless, it puts a smile on my face! Any kind of message, whether on your mirror, or maybe a pretty picture of you on your wall next to your bed, can make you feel special right away in the morning!

2. Wear pastels!

We've all heard the trick of wearing bright colors to cheer you up, but pastels are more feminine and pretty! They are soft, delicate, and allude to thoughts of pampering yourself with soft fabrics and floral scents, I think. This thought alone makes me feel better! Try light nail polishes, wear lace, or throw on a pink or light blue pearl piece of pretty!

3. Right before you crawl into bed, spritz yourself with your favorite perfume.

This is, perhaps, my favorite way of making myself feel special. This not only helps me feel pretty right as I cuddle into my sheets, it also is a great way to wake up, smelling sweet and pretty!

Remember, feeling pretty comes from the inside, and everyone deserves to do nice things for themselves in little ways each day to remind them of that fact! Be decadent!

What are your favorite ways to feel pretty?



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